Everyone has a body which aches every now and then, and the mind which gets anxious... But not everyone has access to high quality bodywork, therapy or the education on what to do for self-help.

The goal is to share 14 years of professional knowledge on what to do to possibly help with minor physical and mental issues via activating and stress reducing exercises, breath work, and manual lymph drainage techniques. For anything serious going on, always consult with your medical provider and always err on the side of caution.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Hi, I’m Mila Vasilyeva, CMT, MLD-C.

For the last fourteen years, I have had the privilege to work with thousands of human bodies.

I am a licensed and certified massage therapist in private practice in San Francisco, CA.

Besides the basics like deep tissue, myofascial work and dozen other modalities, my training includes advanced neuro muscular techniques, manual lymphatic drainage (Vodder style), stress reduction protocols.

I have been a breath aficionado since 2014, and am a certified breath work instructor, having studied with the clinical psychologist and American breath work expert — Dr Belisa Vranich.

Mental health has been another big passion in my life (and a major struggle — seven years ago I had suicidal depression, panic attacks, and severe anxiety —which I successfully overcame), and I am currently in school earning a degree in Psychology.

Follow me on instagram for easy and quick wellness strategies at breath.for.health